HR Services & Training

1.      Fixing weakness or Building strengths
2.      Identifying Training objectives
Some off the job training methods and objectives:
1.      Action Planning
2.      Behavior  Modelling training
3.      Brainstroming
4.      Business game
5.      Buzz group
6.      Case study
1.      E – Learning
Experiential exercise:
2.      Field trip
3.      Group discussion
4.      Guest speaker
5.      Guided teaching
6.      Ice breaking
7.      Information search
8.      Intergroup exchange
9.      Learning game
Mental imagery
1.      Outdoor Leadership Training
2.      Pair and trio discussion tasks
3.      Panel discussion
4.      Role Play
5.      Self assessment instrument or quiz
A.      Team building
B.      Videotapes
C.      Workbooks
Outline for a Training Program on Win – Win Negotiating:
Activity                                                                                               Method
Opening Activities                                                                            
A.      Agenda Review                                                                     Presentation
B.      Things we have in common                                                    Icebreaker
C.      Interactive overview of conflict resolution                                Intergroup exchange
What you bring to conflict Situations
A.      Feelings about conflict                                                            Physical Continuum
B.      Looking at your conflict style                                                  Game
C.      Assessing your conflict style                                                   Questionnaire
D.     Expressing different approaches to conflict                               Role Play
E.      Conflict behaviour is situational                                                Checklist
F.       Misunderstandings in conflict situations                                    Lecturette
G.     Viewing others objectively                                                       Writing task
Conflict – resolution effectiveness
A.      Stating complaints and requesting change                                skills practice
B.      Anatomy of an argument                                                       Information search
C.      Dealing with difficult people                                                  Mental Imagery
D.     Reframing conflicts scenarios                                                Dyadic discussion
E.      The steps of Negotation                                                        Skills practice
F.       Putting it all togeather                                                           Role play
G.     What to do when negotation fails or never gets started             Intergroup exchange
Closing activities
A.      Action planning                                                                       Writing task
B.      Obstacle assessment                                                              Mental Imagery
Krikpatrick’s four levels of evaluation:
1.      Reaction: The first level involves reaction measures
2.      Learning: The second level of evaluation has to do with learning.
3.      Behaviour: on the job behaviour is the third level of evaluation.
4.      Results: The final level of evaluation involves result measures.
HR Soultion & Services:
1.      Survey studies & diagonistics
2.      HR polices Stratergy and Business Solutions
3.      Training & development services
4.      Payroll Suite
Surveys Studies & diagonistics:
§  Organisational Climate Survey
§  Employee Satisfaction Measurement
§  Culture Assessment Surveys
§  Leadership orientation assessment
§  Comp & Benefits Survey
 Assesment Center:
§      Non-Assigned Role Group Discussions.
§      Assigned Role Group Discussions.
§      Interview Simulations.
§     Fact find exercies
§     Job Analysis
§     Competency mapping
§     Compensation design
Training & Development Modules
1.      Presentation skills
2.      Change management
3.      Negotiating
4.      Staff leadership
5.      Selling skills
6.      Effective teams
7.      Conflict management
8.      Coaching and mentoring
9.      Customised Programs at all levels/mediums

  1. Employee Handbook (A document to be submitted to the new joinees)
    1. Short introduction of the company (2 pages max)
    2. Code of Conduct (3 pages)
                                                              i.      attendance/ punctuality
                                                            ii.      absence without notice
                                                          iii.      telephone and internet use
                                                           iv.      dress code
                                                             v.      tobacco products
    1. Leave and holidays (2 pages)
    2. Performance Policy (1 Page)
    3. Grievance Policy (1 Page)
    4. Termination Policy (1 Page)
    5. One page document for new joinees checklist (documents to be submitted)

  1. Recruitment Process (documented) and workforce planning (A standard document for the management use)
    1. Manpower Requisition
    2. Standard Procedures of selection
    3. Hierarchy of selection
    4. Orientation and probation
    5. Work Hours / Shift timings, breaks
    6. Personnel Information

  1. Induction Management (A standard Document for the management use)
    1. A chart of organization hierarchy
    2. A gist of HR Policies – attendance, leaves, performance, office conduct and codes           
    3. A gist of compensation and benefits
    4. A gist of performance review

  1. Employee Records (Files with the set of documents one for each employee)
    1. Interview details with correspondence
    2. Complete and latest CV of the employee
    3. Interview records
    4. A completed employee form including references
    5. Educational certificates and sheets
    6. Any other required documents
    7. Medical Reports
    8. Relocation details if any
    9. Work permits and related documents
    10. Employment related letters

  1. Performance Management
    1. Objective of the Performance Reviews
    2. Performance goals and criteria for reviews
    3. Performance Review Procedure
    4. Performance Reviews schedule
    5. Performance Reviews Hierarchy
    6. Performance Development meetings

  1. Compensation and Benefit management
    1. General Benefits offered to the employees
    2. Rewards – temporary and permanent

  1. Training Management
    1. Need Assessment
    2. General Training
    3. Topical Training
    4. Skill enhancement
    5. Advancement of knowledge

  1. Exit Process
    1. Hand over
    2. Exit Interview and forms
    3. Contact information


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